Awards are presented to deserving individuals and programs at the annual spring meeting. Nomination applications will be made available prior to the annual meeting. Instructions for submission and deadlines will be included. The following awards are presented annually.
APPLICATION FORM AVAILABLE HERE (.doc file) - Due January 17, 2025
Individual Awards
- M.D. Whiteker Award for Excellence in Extension - The outstanding Associate or Full Extension Professor will be recognized with one award (plaque and $500 check) presented to a deserving Extension faculty member who is a member of KASEP and has five or more years of service in the Cooperative Extension Service as an Extension faculty member in Kentucky.
- Outstanding New Extension Faculty Award - One award (plaque and $100 check) will be presented to a deserving Assistant Extension Professor who is a member of KASEP and has less than five years of service in Cooperative Extension, including all serving as an Extension faculty member in Kentucky and any other state.
- Outstanding Extension Specialist Award - One award (plaque and $100 check) will be presented to a deserving non-faculty Extension Specialist or Senior Extension Specialist who is a member of KASEP.
- Outstanding Extension Associate Award - One award (plaque and $100 check) will be presented to a deserving Extension Associate or Senior Extension Associate who is a member of KASEP.
Project and Program Awards
- Outstanding Project Award - An outstanding current Extension project of a special and timely nature, which has been in existence for less than three years, will be recognized with a certificate of achievement. The project may involve one or more specialists and maybe departmental or interdepartmental. All persons involved in the project should be identified and awards will be presented to each. This award is given for outstanding accomplishment without regard to traditional subject matter areas.
- Outstanding Program Award - An outstanding current Extension program developed and implemented by KASEP members for a period exceeding three years will be recognized with a certificate of achievement. The program may involve one or more specialists and maybe departmental or interdepartmental. All persons involved in the program should be identified and awards will be presented to each.